Friday, February 22, 2013

4 Tips for Mid Life Folks

4 Tips to Have Great Relationships in Your Mid-Life

 By Eileen Tan and Ui Wei Teck (guest contributors)

In the second phase of your life, you will start to have a lot of time for yourself. You have been working hard during your twenties and thirties with a stable job. You have been dedicated to raising a family with your partner, providing the best for your next generation and cultivating their values.
It is fulfilling to have good relationships with colleagues and friends, and especially so when you have a good relationship with your family. You may feel a sense of loss if you don’t manage this properly due to the drastic changes that take place when we enter our mid-life. In this article we will look at X ways you can continue to have great relationships with your friends and family in your forties and beyond.

1. Choose to forgive

It is not healthy to hold on to anger, so choose to forgive and forget, free yourself, learn to laugh at the situation and support one another. Don’t ask why this person you are angry with is not doing what you expect, but ask yourself what you can do for this person.

Many times, when I am upset with someone, asking myself this question of what can I do for him or her will change my mood almost instantly and make not only my day, but the day of the people around me better. Try this out! It is an instant healing process.
2. Be caring towards your family and friends
Build a little network with those you love and those who love you – such interactions will bring you joy. Listen to how they feel, and don’t be too quick to judge or expect others to change or be like you. Take the initiative to discuss things to iron out issues and resolve conflicts. Nothing is more important than maintaining a harmonious environment by showering our love and affection on the ones we love.

3. Let them know that you are watching out for them

One day when we leave this world, we will have no fear that we have not lived a good life. Happy people have no regrets. Death ends a life, but not a Relationship. Death cannot take away our memories with a person who has lived wisely and happily. In handling the loss of your loved one, it is perfectly okay to let go and be happy once again.

4. Prioritize family time

Having a strong family bond is more important than chasing after success and wealth. Cherish the time you have with your family, support each other with encouragement and celebrate regularly. Be committed to make each other’s lives pleasant and enjoyable.

With each of us putting in the effort to have a beautiful life for our family and those around us, wouldn’t the whole world be a better place to live in?

By Eileen Tan and Ui Wei Teck, authors of Enjoying Mid-Life Without Crisis

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