Friday, November 23, 2007

Acing EM3

Nov 23, 2007
Missed 2 years, but he aces EM3
By Ho Ai Li
HE WAS a dropout but not a typical one. And 12-year-old Nazir Khan Abdul Mutalib proved it when, after returning to his school, he emerged as one of its 18 top EM3 pupils.
Nazir, the fourth of six children of an odd-job worker and a housewife, had spent most of his Primary 3 and 4 years away from school.

There wasn't enough money for him to go to school. Also, he stayed home to look after his younger siblings.

But after persistent visits by his Huamin Primary teachers, he returned to class in Primary 5. The teachers 'wore him down' with encouragement.

They also helped him get financial aid for his books, fees and meals. He was also made a prefect.

Yesterday, Nazir learnt he had scored Grade 1 in all his subjects and an aggregate of 129. Huamin principal William Pushpam said he was not surprised by Nazir's results, as he has been 'very consistent' and 'diligent'.

In fact, he had done well in lower primary and only went to the EM3 stream, which offers foundation courses, because of all the schooling he had missed.

His Primary 5 and 6 form teacher, Mrs Geetha Velmurugan, knew he had grit.

'From day one, he started working. He aims very high and is very competitive,' she said.

To stretch him, she set high targets, like giving him work meant for those in the more demanding EM2 stream.

Nazir, who plays hockey and floorball for Huamin, hopes to pursue a sports career in future. He is gunning for a Normal (Academic) place in Northland Secondary, known as a hockey powerhouse.

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